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Teaching Methods

Courses of all three Specializations are carried out through:

  1. online platform (e-class) for the posting of material, exercises, assignments, and for the communication between the teachers and the postgraduate students for each course
  2. recorded lectures - presentations for each course (asynchronous distance learning)
  3. teleconferences (synchronous distance education) through an online platform for the interaction of teachers with postgraduate students for each course. The teleconferences are recorded and remain available for those who were unable to participate in real time, but also in order to be reviewed by those who participated.

In this way, postgraduate students have the possibility to attend each course at the time and place they wish, without time commitments and without the requirement of physical presence.

In addition live lectures, scientific days and symposia, as well as round table discussions with the participation of students, practical exercises in the form of hypothetical scenarios are also held.

At the beginning of each semester, the detailed program of the courses to be taught is published. The right to make individual changes to the program and the teachers is reserved with the obligation to inform the Postgraduate Students in a timely manner.

At the beginning of the 1st semester, there is a first introductory meeting at the Faculty of Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with optional attendance.

Every year one or more optional exercises are carried out in areas of Greeece with special environmental, geodynamic and social characteristics, lasting up to 7 days.

Finally, Postgraduate Students can voluntarily take part in research-scientific missions in areas of development of major environmental disasters, natural and technological disasters and crises, accompanying organized scientific, research and humanitarian operations of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.